The Great Reshuffle

As organizations evolve in the midst of the pandemic, a new working culture has emerged. From changing working hours into a more flexible schedule, into turning workflow into a hybrid one – employees are making big changes in their careers and working environments. But why is that? A question we hope we answer in this article.
You probably clicked on this article because you wanted to know what “The Great Reshuffle” really means, and how working culture has changed and evolved since we were all hit with the pandemic back in 2020. As it was a devastating moment for the entire planet, many also were able to turn around the misfortune of things, and take advantage of what was ahead of us.
And how did people do that in the midst of chaos? But most importantly: What were people really looking for in working environments and what were key factors by which employees felt the need to re-adjust their career paths in such difficult times?
The Great Reshuffle – but what does it mean?
According to an article, the Bureau of Labor Statistics recorded that “nearly 3% of the US workforce resigned in October, following a record-high in September.”
And according to Forbes, “40% to 75% of the workforce are actively planning to leave their current jobs for a better fit elsewhere. Employers are bracing themselves for the coming storm and many are already feeling it.”
The Great Reshuffle is a phrase/term people are using to express the high percentage of people quitting their jobs, re-adjusting career paths, taking a sabbatical year, and so forth. But should we feel worried about these massive changes in the workforce, or should we see it with a set of positive eyes and filled with opportunities?
Some are said to be taking sabbaticals, others taking the opportunity for early retirement – but globally, people aren’t just leaving the workforce, but many are taking this opportunity to redirect their career paths into better ones. According to BBC: “Some are leveraging the current hiring crisis to get into better positions. Others have decided to work for themselves – with the number of self-employed workers in the US rising by 500,000 since the pandemic.”
Anthony Klotz, an associate professor of management at Texas A&M University, US, added in regards to the Great Reshuffle: “ For talented individuals, in high-demand industries like tech, we’re seeing a lot of movement. People are finding jobs that give them the right pay, benefits and work arrangement in the longer term.”
How are people adapting to the Great Reshuffle?
A lot of employees are seeking the opportunity to obtain better jobs and higher wages, but how are they doing that? With the ever so changing workforce and culture and with the opportunity that hybrid workforce has been able to offer us – working from home has been the #1 choice for many! Many have seen the myriad of benefits and opportunities these changes bring. Working from home culture has given the opportunity for many to redirect their passions and career dreams into a different one; each individual is seeking to boost their energy and put it into places and things that are worth their time.
A lot of employees are switching from corporate suits into tracksuits to start their own projects in the comfort of their homes. Home-office, or remote work as you wish to call it, has given the platform and the liberty for many to obtain better projects, and with that being said, now the 9-5 working schedule doesn’t really exist, instead flexibility is the new schedule that many are opting for, and wish to keep from now on. Also, with opportunities opening up, geography is no longer an issue, applying to that job cross-Atlantic is no longer a debate to reconsider when applying for a dream job.
How can you make the most out of it?
According to Linkedin: “ If you’re considering making a change within your company, it’s good to keep in mind that organizations are rethinking their entire workforce and workplace models, cultures, and company values to accommodate employee needs and preferences.”
Join Courses online
With the ever so changing working culture, it is vital to really take inspiration from great sources to understand where you wish to head next and how you wish to do it. Joining courses online is a great source of motivation and understanding of what we are all experiencing at the moment, and how organizations are also rethinking their teams, offers and work culture they wish to offer their employees and future ones.
Here are courses offered by Linkedin if you’re in need of career motivation, or just wanting to redirect your career path, great courses to look into to start re-thinking what your 2022 will look like!
Take time to re-adjust and overcome burnout
With so much happening – health and life related – we are constantly bombarded with news that could cloud our decision-making and subsequently life. That is why it’s so important to step-back and look at the bigger picture of things and step in with a greater deal of flexibility.
According to Linkedin: “LinkedIn found that 87% of people would prefer to stay remote at least half of the time, and 81% of executives are planning to update their workplace policies to offer greater flexibility."
Organizations that offer a great deal of flexibility amongst their teams and projects, do contribute to better productivity amongst their employees.

Make your employees feel valued
With the moments we are currently living in, the workplace is no longer the same; big changes are upon us, and the workforce is unraveling before our eyes to a different and more flexible one. With that being said, employees also are looking to make changes where they feel valued, appreciated, heard and understood. That is why as a manager or CEO of an organization, it is important to take measures that will enhance and bring joy to your teams – despite the chaos we are currently experiencing. According to a study done, employees are 50 percent more productive at their job when they are valued or appreciated. Furthermore, a study reported by Harvard Medical School done by researchers at the Wharton School at the University in Pennsylvania showed the following: “Researchers randomly divided university fund-raisers into two groups. One group made phone calls to solicit alumni donations in the same way they always had. The second group—assigned to work on a different day—received a pep talk from the director of annual giving, who told the fund-raisers she was grateful for their efforts. During the following week, the university employees who heard her message of gratitude made 50% more fund-raising calls than those who did not.”
Kate MacAleavey, a consultant and coach, shares her stories of fostering appreciation at Facebook and other companies.
If you stay at home, how can you collaborate with colleagues or others for a better collaboration between teams and organizations?
According to Force Brands, the pandemic has given us the possibility to practice remote work and develop great and effective tools to facilitate online collaborations: “Fortunately, various tools were either developed or enhanced during the pandemic to facilitate online collaboration. These tools allow employers to set up milestones to help employees stay on track with important projects. They also streamline online collaboration between employees. Essentially, entire work environments can now exist completely online while meeting the growing demands for increased flexibility.”
So if you manage or is part of a collaborative team and work remote is 100% needed, meetings don’t need to be as tedious as before and projects don’t need to be documented in a painful way.
So, say hello to Holaspirit, a platform were agility is top priority and where collaboration is transparent for your team and organization!

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